Device Care

Although designed to be, as much as possible, maintenance free, a few guidelines for best practices can help extend the life of your RTK Base Station. The following sections intend to give and overview for best practices.

Batteries charging and handling

To ensure right functionality of the base station, its battery must be in good condition. The beRTK® uses Li-Ion batteries, with a capacity of 1070mAh and a nominal voltage of 7.4V. It is recommended that this battery be charged with the beRTK® charger and cables provided by Beyond Vision for this operation.

To charge the batteries, fit them into the charger with special care not to damage the battery contacts (see below):


Fig. 103 Battery charging

Turn the charger on. The LCD screen starts showing the charging progress. Wait for approximately 30 minutes to charge the battery.

It is advisable to always use the beRTK® with fully charged batteries. However, if this is not possible, you can still use it, bearing in mind that the stand-alone operation of the device will be lower.


Never try to overcharge, overdischarge, short-circuit or reverse the polarity of the battery as it might explode! The Li-Po is very sensitive when pushed to its limits and as such, one must exercise caution not to test its limits.


If the battery exhibits any irregularity in its form (e.g. seems inflated), don’t use it! Dispose the battery following local regulations regarding battery recycling.

Regular maintenance procedures


The RTK Base Station doesn’t need any special type of cleaning to perform well. However, if it caught dust or any kind of dirt, you can clean it using only a humid piece of cloth (avoid placing it in contact with any electronic component) and/or an air pump. Do not use chemicals to clean the cover or any electrical part of the base station as they might chemically attack the cleaned parts and damage them.

Before cleaning you should remove the battery and confirm that the external power is disconnected so that no electrical parts are active during the cleaning. Let the parts dry before you put the batteries back on.